Astrology Twitter is fighting over whether Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lied about her birth time


Hell hath no fury like Astrology Twitter. 

Whether a crush, a nemesis, or your very own congressional representative, nothing exposes someone’s true self like a complete birth chart. (OK, there are lots of things that show your true colors, but your star placement is much easier to obtain.) 

Twitter users who care deeply about astrology are convinced that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez faked her birth time for … a better natal chart.  

Finding out someone’s birth time is the achievement to end all achievements. A natal chart is essentially pseudoscience for explaining why you are the way you are; Co-Star, an astrology app, describes it as an “astronomical snapshot of the sky based on the exact day, time, and place you were born.” The placement of certain stars, astrology enthusiasts reason, can influence your behavior and desires.  Read more…

More about Twitter Reactions, Astrology, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Culture, and Web Culture

View More Astrology Twitter is fighting over whether Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lied about her birth time

Co – Star’s absurd push notification inspired the most dramatic meme


Take some time today to create an out-of-this-world meme.

Co – Star, the astrology app known mainly for its extremely bizarre push notifications, is finally getting the meme treatment. To participate, simply craft your own wild push notification using Co – Star’s “Your day at a glance” format.

The more dramatic the better!


Co-Star: Your day at a glance.
Run yourself over with a car, you single bitch.

— Ira Madison III (@ira) March 17, 2019

The point of the meme is to play up Co – Star’s wild and extreme personalized horoscopes. So people trolling the app are doing their best to imagine hilarious and dark as hell push notifications. Read more…

More about Apps, Memes, Web Culture, Astrology, and Push Notifications

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Here’s what’s up with those wild push notifications on Co–Star


Last month, my astrology app told me to investigate the debt industry.

This mysterious but oddly pointed instruction was a far cry from the veiled, flowery language I’d seen on other zodiac sites. It was direct. It was concise. And, especially because I’d just paid my student loan bill, it was kind of eerie.

I’m not the only one who’s been weirded out by Co – Star’s push notifications. Though the feature hasn’t been rolled out to all the app’s users (yet, at least), those who have it enabled have seen a truly wild range of personalized messages. They’ve been encouraged, for example, to read specific books (including one by the psychiatrist R.D. Laing), to research Big Pharma, and to “start a cult.” Read more…

More about Apps, Astrology, Co Star, Culture, and Web Culture

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Zodiac shaming is a real thing. Don’t do it.


Are you a steamy Scorpio looking for a long-term relationship? A dreamy Pisces aspiring to work in a traditional corporate environment? A Virgo wanting to have friends?

Please, keep your zodiac sign to yourself. Zodiac-shaming — the practice of treating someone differently and punitively because of their astrological sign — isn’t a total joke. You never know when someone will judge you for your cosmic family tree. 

That’s not just my Virgo privilege talking. 

It feels a bit laughable to hyphenate “zodiac” and “shame,” when so many other forms of shaming — body, sex, grammar — are infinitely more severe and pervasive. But when someone is denied a resource or labeled undateable because of their zodiac sign … well, if that’s not discrimination, we can at least agree that it’s bad.  Read more…

More about Shaming, Astrology, Zodiac, Culture, and Web Culture

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Forget sun signs: Your zodiac sign is whoever won Best Actress the year you were born


The people of Twitter read their horoscopes religiously and map their birth charts meticulously, so it’s no wonder that zodiac memes are having a moment right now. 

The fascination with astrology prompted the recent “fuck your zodiac sign” meme, and now it’s birthed another one.

It’s pretty simple: the meme posits that whoever won the Academy Award for best actress the year you were born is your true zodiac sign — and people can’t stop sharing their results. 

Whoever won Best Actress the year you were born is your real Zodiac Sign.

— Tess ✧ (@isabeIIehuppert) August 20, 2018 Read more…

More about Twitter, Memes, Astrology, Culture, and Web Culture

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The ‘f*ck your zodiac sign’ meme wants to know who you really are as a person


If there’s anything keeping us going in the hellhole that is 2018, it’s astrology. 

Analyzing birth charts to bonding over rising signs has become something of a conversation starter. For some, it’s just a guilty pleasure. For others, astrology is their guide to life. 

But this meme wants to ignore the superficial zodiac sign and get people to bond over deeper qualities — like what character they start with in Mario Kart.

Fuck your zodiac sign what character do u choose to play in Mario kart

— avocado thottie (@lildedjanet) August 19, 2018 Read more…

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Yes, your dog has a horoscope. So does your gerbil.


Forget Shark Week, it’s Bark Week on Mashable. Join us as we celebrate all the good dogs, which we humans do not deserve.

Every human has a place in the astrological universe. So too does every dog, cat, gerbil, building, vacuum cleaner, Fitbit, and anal plug.

The concept can be a little hard to swallow, especially for those skeptical of astrology in the first place. Still, for those who are open to it or drunk enough to listen, it resonates.

“Anything that’s born into time has a horoscope, animate or inanimate,” Christopher Renstrom, author of Ruling Planets, tells Mashable. “That includes dogs.” His view is shared by others is the field — as well as my best friend, who insists her humping Labrador is a Leo. (He’s a Cancer, she just doesn’t want to accept it.) Read more…

More about Pets, Astrology, Bark Week, Culture, and Web Culture

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Astrology is booming, and it’s queerer than ever


There’s something about astrology that’s always been, well, kinda queer.

Travel all the way back to the time of Ptolemy (AD 100) and there you’ll see him, using the stars to divine wisdom about gender norms and identity. Once the science of kings, astrology has become an outsider’s spiritual practice — beholden to no prescriptive theology and no major religious leader, just the wisdom of the charts.

No wonder, then, that astrology has had a resurgence in the past few years. “Astrology always comes to the forefront whenever there’s a great change,” says Christopher Renstrom, a gay astrologer and the author of Ruling Planets: Your Astrological Guide to Life’s Ups and Down. “Whenever there’s a revolution or change or when institutions fail, there’s astrology.” Read more…

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Kristen Wiig dealt with an embarrassing astrology tattoo in a very inventive way

How best to deal with an embarrassing astrology symbol? Let Kristen Wiig enlighten you…
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View More Kristen Wiig dealt with an embarrassing astrology tattoo in a very inventive way