Nvidia announces its next-gen RTX pods with up to 1,280 GPUs

Nvidia wants to be a cloud powerhouse. While its history may be in graphics cards for gaming enthusiasts, its recent focus has been on its data center GPUs for AI, machine learning inference, inference and visualization. Today, at its GTC conference, the company announced its latest RTX server configuration for Hollywood studios and others who […]

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Nvidia’s T4 GPUs are coming to the AWS cloud

In the coming weeks, AWS is launching new G4 instances with support for Nvidia’s T4 Tensor Core GPUs, the company today announced at Nvidia’s GTC conference. The T4, which is based on Nvidia’s Turing architecture, was specifically optimized for running AI models. The T4 will be supported by the EC2 compute service and the Amazon […]

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After losing half its value, Nvidia faces reckoning

Nvidia is a company that has reached the highest highs and the lowest lows, all in the span of a couple of weeks. TechCrunch is experimenting with new content forms. This is a rough draft of something new – provide your feedback directly to the author (Danny at danny@techcrunch.com) if you like or hate something […]

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Nvidia launches Rapids to help bring GPU acceleration to data analytics

Nvidia, together with partners like IBM, HPE, Oracle, Databricks and others, is launching a new open-source platform for data science and machine learning today. Rapids, as the company is calling it, is all about making it easier for large businesses to use the power of GPUs to quickly analyze massive amounts of data and then […]

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Nvidia launches the Tesla T4, its fastest data center inferencing platform yet

Nvidia today announced its new GPU for machine learning and inferencing in the data center. The new Tesla T4 GPUs (where the ‘T’ stands for Nvidia’s new Turing architecture) are the successors to the current batch of P4 GPUs that virtually every major cloud computing provider now offers. Google, Nvidia said, will be among the […]

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Google Cloud gets support for Nvidia’s Tesla P4 inferencing accelerators

These days, no cloud platform is complete without support for GPUs. There’s no other way to support modern high-performance and machine learning workloads without them, after all. Often, the focus of these offerings is on building machine learning models, but today, Google is launching support for the Nvidia P4 accelerator, which focuses specifically on inferencing […]

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The cryptocurrency craze is causing a shortage that gamers aren’t going to like

High-end graphics processing units (GPUs) were already expensive. But now that they’re being used to mine cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, costs are getting ridiculous.
The Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (1080 Ti for short) is one of the best GPUs on the m…

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Nvidia’s $2,999 Titan V is a 110 teraflop GPU for AI processing

 Nvidia cards are the de facto standard for running machine learning workloads and today, the company added yet another high-end compute-centric card to its line-up: the Titan V. This card, which is based on Nvidia’s Volta architecture, features 21.1 billion transistors on a 815 mm2 chip that can produce a full 110 teraflops of compute power. All of that power comes at a price, though.… Read More

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Intel and AMD partner on graphics and CPU combo to challenge Nvidia

 Intel is working with AMD to produce a chip for notebook computers that pairs an Intel CPU with an AMD graphics processor, with a small, lightweight design that can nonetheless handle heavy graphics requirements for top-tier video games.
This team-up may seem like kind of a no-brainer, but AMD and Intel actually haven’t collaborated since the 80s, according to analyst Patrick Moorhead… Read More

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