The Dakar Network Angels network launched this month, making its first investment in francophone Africa to cleantech venture Coliba. The Ivorian startup—that uses a mobile app to coordinate waste recycling—will receive mentorship and a minimum of $25K in seed funds. The deal is part of Dakar Network Angels’ mission of convening experts and capital to […]
View More Dakar Network Angels begins startup investments in francophone AfricaCategory: Judge
ACLU asks court to release a secret order forcing Facebook to wiretap Messenger
Earlier this year, the U.S. government tried to force Facebook to secretly recode its Messenger app to allow the feds to listen into an encrypted, real-time voice call on suspected members associated with the notorious MS-13 gang. It was only when reporters revealed that when Facebook declined, the feds pushed the court to hold the […]
View More ACLU asks court to release a secret order forcing Facebook to wiretap MessengerThe New York Times sues the FCC to investigate Russian interference in Net Neutrality decision
The ongoing saga over the FCC’s handling of public comments to its net neutrality proposal continues after The New York Times sued the organization for withholding of information that it believes could prove there was Russian interference. The Times has filed multiple Freedom of Information Act requests for data on the comments since July 2017, […]
View More The New York Times sues the FCC to investigate Russian interference in Net Neutrality decisionReview: iPhone XS and the power of long-term thinking
The iPhone XS proves one thing definitively: that the iPhone X was probably one of the most ambitious product bets of all time. When Apple told me in 2017 that they put aside plans for the iterative upgrade that they were going to ship and went all in on the iPhone X because they thought […]
View More Review: iPhone XS and the power of long-term thinkingUber’s Indian rival Ola is aiming for an IPO in 3-4 years
Ola, Uber’s chief rival in India, is planning to go public potentially as soon as in three years time, according to its CEO. Co-founder and chief executive officer Bhavish Aggarwal told the audience at an event in Bengaluru last week that seven-year-old Ola is poised to become a cash flow positive business — having recently hit operational […]
View More Uber’s Indian rival Ola is aiming for an IPO in 3-4 yearsThe long Cocky-gate nightmare is over
I’ve been wanting to write about Cocky-gate for some time now but the story – a row between self-published authors that degenerated into ridiculousness – seems finally over and perhaps we can all get some perspective. The whole thing started in May when a self-published romance author, Faleena Hopkins, began attempting to enforce her copyright […]
View More The long Cocky-gate nightmare is overTo truly protect citizens, lawmakers need to restructure their regulatory oversight of big tech
Gillian Hadfield Contributor Gillian Hadfield is the author of Rules for a Flat World: Why Humans Invented Law and How to Reinvent It for a Complex Global Economy and a professor of law and economics at the University of Southern California. More posts by this contributor To control AI, we need to understand more about […]
View More To truly protect citizens, lawmakers need to restructure their regulatory oversight of big techNvidia’s Jensen Huang cautions patience in judging Uber AV engineers
Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang faced a number of questions regarding Uber’s recent self-driving test vehicle accident, in which an SUV equipped with Uber’s autonomous technology struck and killed 49-year old Elaine Herzberg in Tempe, Arizona. Earlier on Tuesday, Reuters broke the news that Nvidia was suspending its own autonomous testing programs around the world. Huang […]
View More Nvidia’s Jensen Huang cautions patience in judging Uber AV engineersBrock Turner’s lawyers want to overturn his sexual assault conviction
Brock Turner is trying to have his sexual assault conviction overturned.
Turner was convicted last year of assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster in 2015 and served three months at the county jail. What could have been a 14-year turn in a state penitentiary turned into a six month sentence — later cut in half, for good behavior — sparking outrage.
SEE ALSO: Want to stop men like Harvey Weinstein from ruining women’s lives? The solution is simple.
Turner’s lawyer believes the jury was unfairly prejudiced against him due to the use of the phrase, “behind a dumpster.” He contends in a statement that this “implied an intent on the appellant’s part to shield and sequester his activities” and “implied moral depravity, callousness and culpability on the appellant’s part because of the inherent connotations of filth, garbage, detritus and criminal activity frequently associated with dumpsters.” Read more…
More about Sexual Assault, Rape, Judge, Case, and Stanford
View More Brock Turner’s lawyers want to overturn his sexual assault conviction