Google’s Emma Haruka Iwao breaks Pi world record


The world record for most accurate value of pi has been broken. Emma Haruka Iwao, who has worked at Google for nearly four years, found the new digits of pi by using the company’s cloud computing service. She managed to calculate pi to 31 trillion digits. Read more…

More about Google, Mashable Video, Stem, Pi Day, and Mathematics

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Google Doodle re-creates pi formula in delicious apple pie form


For the 30th anniversary of Pi Day, Google went there. It made a Pi-themed Google Doodle out of, yep you guess it, pie ingredients. Hilarious. 

Pi Day is celebrated every year on March 14—or 3.14—as an homage to the mathematical constant, which is equal to 3.14159. 

This year Google decided to mark the 30th occurrence of this event with a nod to “the number’s delicious sounding name.” The Doodle represents Pi’s mathematical formula—the ratio between a circle’s circumference to its diameter—in pie form.

Pi Day was first recognised 30 years ago back in 1988 by physicist Larry Shaw, according to Google. And, those wishing to mark to the occasion often do so by enjoying a slice of their favourite pie.  Read more…

More about Google, Pi Day, Google Doodle, Mathematics, and Culture

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Goldman Sachs leads $10 million round for data structuring startup Crux Informatics

 Every financial services firm has a team of data scientists that take all the information that comes in and structure it in a way that the rocket scientists and genius mathematicians can turn into something useful. It’s a difficult job that only a select few can handle. Those select few have now launched Crux Informatics to take over the data processing that big banks need done. Read More

View More Goldman Sachs leads $10 million round for data structuring startup Crux Informatics