Healthcare by 2028 will be doctor-directed, patient-owned and powered by visual technologies

Evan Nisselson Contributor Evan Nisselson is a partner at LDV Capital. More posts by this contributor Deep learning with synthetic data will democratize the tech industry The war over artificial intelligence will be won with visual data Visual assessment is critical to healthcare – whether that is a doctor peering down your throat as you […]

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Companies tracking mutations in cancer cells can provide a key to unlocking better therapies

Investors and entrepreneurs are beginning to bring new diagnostic tools to market that promise better results for cancer patients through the identification of mutations in cancer cells that can create more targeted therapies. Earlier this month, research using technology developed by the startup Mission Bio helped identify cellular mutations in acute myeloid leukemia cancer cells that could […]

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Implantable 3D printed organs could be coming sooner than you think

At MBC Biolabs, an incubator for biotech startups in San Francisco’s Dogpatch neighborhood, a team of scientists and interns working for the small startup Prellis Biologics have just taken a big step on the path toward developing viable 3D printed organs for humans. The company, which was founded in 2016 by research scientists Melanie Matheu […]

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Tradewind Bioscience attacks the physiology of tumors to treat cancer

Cancer remains the one counterpoint to the march of medical progress that has scored human history over the last 200 years. Last year 600,920 people in the U.S. died from cancer, and another 1.7 million received an initial diagnosis of the disease. Globally, one in six people die from cancer, according to the World Health Organization. […]

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