How to protect yourself from the massive macOS High Sierra security vulnerability


So your macOS High Sierra-running machine is vulnerable to hackers. Like, really vulnerable. 

Thankfully, there’s a simple way to protect yourself — so long as you can follow a seven-step process laid out Tuesday by Apple. 

News broke Nov. 28 on Twitter that an attacker could gain root-user access to an unlocked computer simply by typing “root” into the “User Name” field, leaving the password field blank, and hitting “enter” while in the “Users & Groups” section of “System Preferences.”

You can access it via System Preferences>Users & Groups>Click the lock to make changes. Then use “root” with no password. And try it for several times. Result is unbelievable!

— Lemi Orhan Ergin (@lemiorhan) November 28, 2017 Read more…

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