Choosing from Productivity and To-do Apps: Keep, Evernote,, Wunderlist, Todoist, Trello

There are different productivity apps that make our life too productive. In this digital world, people use digital medium to store information and many people use different productive apps like evernote,, todoist, and trello. Using one of these will stick to our ideas till the end and our work will be finished in time,


But the main problem what is seen is that we tend to choose perfect app for us. We look at google play store, ios app store, add-ons , desktop apps and extensions to do best for us. We tend to download all the related and unrelated productivity apps that will be comfortable to us. But that is not the main problem, because almost all app are same and have same work process.   We search what will be fit to us and and vicious circle of app download will be loaded with not proper implementation.


The main thing is well implementation of the productivity apps. Using todoist, anydo, wunderlist all give you same result. IF one use all three, the time will be highly consumed logging to-dos in the system and you don’t seem to have implemented one of them. Using many to do apps will only mess the idea. Also while logging there will be other apps like calendar apps that synchronize the app and you will see the mess with it.

Todoist,, Wunderlist are all to-do apps. They are all cross platform apps and primary purpose is to manage high productivity using to-do schedule and remembrance. All three have better User Interface and almost free basic features and better features with some charge. They all have same purpose and do same set of task. They all can be used in android, ios and add-ons platform. Implementation to change of habit level is what we needed here most. And the review for them is best anyway.


Beside that what I found is that, there to-do list apps are based on clock time, but we use our life as real timing which is based on relativity. It is in our mind that tells us to do things or steps aways to do things. So these apps when considered in real life may find conflict and our result is not as what is expected. Hence, we need to find the best synchronization between real time and clock time to achieve our productivity

Still, the best to do apps used is simple paper and simple notebook with most prioritized task at hand.


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