The time is ‘Now for Northern Ireland’ to decriminalise abortion, campaigners say


Abortion is still illegal in Northern Ireland, but the #NowForNI campaign is here to change that.

On Tuesday #NowForNI campaigners protested in Westminster, London, where they delivered over 62,000 signatures from people calling for the decriminalisation of abortion in Northern Ireland. 

#NowForNI wants to ensure that Northern Irish women and people who can get pregnant have the right to the same medical care as women elsewhere in the UK. 

28 women marched with suitcases towards Parliament, representing the 28 women who have to leave Northern Ireland each week to have an abortion in England, Wales, or Scotland. Among the 28 protestors were a group of female MPs and two stars from the show Derry Girls (which, as the title suggests, is set in the North).  Read more…

More about Abortion Rights, Women S Rights, Northern Ireland, Culture, and Politics