Types of Working Brain

All we have two types of brain one is focused brain and the other one is diffused brain. The focused brain is active brain which seems to be clear blackboard but it really is not clear black board. The things like congested slots in pinball game can be called focused brain.

Diffused brain is the unconscious brain. The thing where imaginations and everything lies but we are not directly aware of it is called unconscious brain. The slots of pinball with widen slot parts is this type of brain where things can be calculated easily.

The congested slot of brain can not do many calculations at once because of the congestion of neurological thinkings. The non congested slot of brain can think fast and efficiently as neurological thoughts can be passed from one point to next.

The congested brain i.e the focused brain can not work for longer time constantly. Instead it requires help of diffused brain for the calculation to be done.

If the focused and diffused brain go on hand by hand, then the learning process can improved and developed very fast.


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