Youth climate trial reaches federal appeals court, as judges signal it’s going to trial

A landmark case involving a group of 21 young Americans who are suing the federal government for its failure to protect them from the adverse consequences of climate change is inching closer to a trial date. 
The case, known as Juliana v. United…

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The polar bear in this video is dying from starvation. Fortunately, most aren’t…yet


After landing on Baffin Island, Canada, wildlife photographer and environmental activist Paul Nicklen captured video of a frail polar bear — dying and foaming from the mouth — as the weak animal collapsed to the ground. The bear will soon be dead — if it isn’t already. 

On Dec. 5, Nicklen posted the grim video to his Instagram account, and since then, it’s been stirring  emotions around the web. Polar bears are, for better or worse, a symbolic species when it comes to global warming, and many are seeing this video as a new warning sign. 

Fortunately, however, the condition of this bear is not representative of most polar bear populations — at least not yet.  Read more…

More about Science, Arctic, Global Warming, Arctic Sea Ice, and Climate Change

View More The polar bear in this video is dying from starvation. Fortunately, most aren’t…yet

To obtain funding, scientists may be avoiding use of the term ‘climate change’ in research proposals

Climate scientists may be self-censoring in order to get their work funded through government grants.
New data released by NPR this week shows that grants and research proposals from the National Science Foundation (NSF) using the term “climate chang…

View More To obtain funding, scientists may be avoiding use of the term ‘climate change’ in research proposals

Trump’s pick to lead key science agency actually accepts human-caused global warming

Perhaps the White House wasn’t paying close attention when they picked Barry Myers to run the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). During Myers’ confirmation hearing on Wednesday, he repeatedly expressed support for climate science…

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Researchers turn to new technique for boosting coral growth in the Great Barrier Reef

The corals which adorn Australia’s Great Barrier Reef have long been dying off, but researchers have found a way to potentially ease the decline.
In the first project of its kind on the Reef, scientists have found a way to accelerate the growth of co…

View More Researchers turn to new technique for boosting coral growth in the Great Barrier Reef

Keystone Pipeline clears final hurdle, proving that pipeline safety is for the weak

As TransCanada Pipeline officials continue to clean up a leak in the Keystone Pipeline near Amherst, South Dakota, the Nebraska Public Service Commission voted 3-to-2 on Monday to approve the controversial extension of the pipeline through seven coun…

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The feds are afraid of 21 teens suing on climate. An appeals court wants to know why.


The lawsuit is bold, and few legal observers thought it would get this far. But for the 21 young plaintiffs who are suing the federal government for its failure to protect them — and all of us — from global warming-related harm, it’s an open and shut case involving basic constitutional rights. 

The case, known as Juliana v. United States, had been scheduled to go to trial in Oregon beginning on Feb. 5. Among the issues to be determined at trial is whether the government’s actions over the past several decades — the years when scientists began to understand and widely accept that greenhouse gas emissions cause global warming — violated the plaintiff’s constitutional rights.  Read more…

More about Climate, Science, Global Warming, Climate Denial, and Youth Climate Lawsuit

View More The feds are afraid of 21 teens suing on climate. An appeals court wants to know why.

Earth just had its 2nd-warmest October, and 2017 could be the 2nd-warmest year on record

President Donald Trump may not acknowledge this, but October was the second-warmest such month on record, worldwide, according to new data released by NASA. 
There is now about a 94 percent likelihood that 2017 will rank as the second-warmest ye…

View More Earth just had its 2nd-warmest October, and 2017 could be the 2nd-warmest year on record

NASA took the 1st, astonishing aerial photos of the giant new Antarctic iceberg

Each Antarctic spring and summer, NASA flies special aircraft over the continent to keep tabs on how global warming is altering the landscape. The agency does the same in the Arctic each summer, for a project known as Operation IceBridge. 
Just …

View More NASA took the 1st, astonishing aerial photos of the giant new Antarctic iceberg

Trump administration tried to promote fossil fuels at global climate meeting. It didn’t go well.

A Trump administration attempt to offer fossil fuels as a solution to climate change was subject to protest and walkouts on Monday at U.N. climate talks in Bonn.
Representatives of the fossil fuel industry said they wanted to be part of the conv…

View More Trump administration tried to promote fossil fuels at global climate meeting. It didn’t go well.