9 gifts for whiskey lovers that aren’t those damn whiskey stones


What do you get a whiskey lover for the holidays?

Whether a distant uncle or your more-cultured-than-you older sister, if your loved one is a fan of whiskey, chances are they’ve been gifted countless weird stones over the years. How many whiskey stones can one person really use? At some point, they’re probably tired of getting literal rocks. 

Here are 9 gifts that aren’t those whiskey stones to give the whiskey drinker in your life. 

1A decanter with a BOAT inside

Who wouldn't want a cool boat inside their whiskey??

Image: etsy/prestige decanters

You know those gifts that you consider just keeping for yourself? This is one of them. Decant your whiskey with the help of this adorable little ship in a bottle. You can even request a custom engraved plaque for all your nautical whiskey adventures!  Read more…

More about Holidays, Shopping, Gifts, Whiskey, and Gift Guide 2018