A tiny satellite says goodbye to Mars with gorgeous new photo


Parting is such sweet sorrow. 

A farewell photo taken by a tiny satellite shows its final view of Mars as it flew by the red planet on Monday. 

The satellite — called a cubesat — that took the photo is named MarCO-B and it performed quite the service for humanity before saying goodbye to Mars. 

The small satellite and its twin MarCO-A beamed home data to Earth on Monday as the InSight lander made its successful touchdown on Mars.

“This image was taken at about 12:10 p.m. PST (3:10 p.m. EST) while MarCO-B was flying away from the planet after InSight landed,” NASA said in a statement, adding that the satellite was about 4,700 miles from Mars when the photo was snapped. Read more…

More about Space, Nasa, Science, Mars, and Space Photos