Andy Weir wants you to know his new novel ‘Artemis’ is NOT ‘The Martian’


Andy Weir is back.

After the breakout success of the author’s novel-turned-blockbuster-movie The Martian, Weir is returning to space with a new book Artemis.

The novel follows Jazz Bashara, space smuggler who has grown up on Artemis, the first city on the moon. When Jazz get’s a heist job from one of Artemis’ wealthiest citizens, she thinks she’s hit the jackpot. However, what Jazz believes to be a tricky but solvable task soon transforms into a mission that not only threatens Jazz’s future but also the future of Artemis itself. Read more…

More about Mashreads, Mashreads Podcast, The Martian, Andy Weir, and Artemis