Best gifts for your girlfriend: Gift ideas for your number one girl


Getting your girlfriend a gift that she really loves is an awesome feeling. (Nothing like seeing your girl’s face light up when she finds out what you got her, amirite?) 

But the process of figuring out what gift to get can be a tricky one. You want to end up with a gift that shows your girlfriend how much you care. Duh. But there are *so* many factors that go into picking the right gift, which can sometimes get overwhelming. For example, the length of time you’ve been together is definitely going to play a role in what gift you get (you don’t want to go with something too fancy for someone you’ve only been seeing a few weeks, but you’ll probably want to step it up for someone you’ve been seeing for a long time.) There’s also the originality factor. You want to avoid getting her something generic, but you also want to make sure you get her something she actually Read more…

More about Mashable Shopping, Shopping Amazon, Gift Guide 2018, Gift Guide, and Gifts For Her