Anonymous vows to take down Q

A cheerful video released by YourAnonNews suggests that the murky hacker collective called Anonymous is now after the murky deep state collective called Q. Q, to the uninitiated, is a 4Chan poster who claims to be connected deep inside the US government. Q claims to have high level clearance and posts in furtherance of the […]

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Why some baby boomers are eating up the QAnon conspiracy


QAnon — an all-encompassing right-wing conspiracy theory about everything from the JFK assassination to pedophile rings based on the vague writings of an anonymous internet poster — has now fully broken into the mainstream, thanks mostly to the alarming number of Trump supporters who showed up to the President’s most recent rallies decked out in “Q” gear. 

So what’s QAnon

The QAnon conspiracy theory revolves around an anonymous internet poster going by the name “Q.” This Q (who may be more than one person!) claims to be a high-ranking government official, supposedly with Q clearance, which would theoretically give them access to material classified as top secret. Q’s posts are usually vague on specifics, but the general narrative is that everything President Trump does is part of a secret mission to take down a global pedophile ring, expose the deep state, and who knows what else. Read more…

More about Facebook, Twitter, Conspiracy Theories, Baby Boomers, and 4chan

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