The GPS wars have begun

Where are you? That’s not just a metaphysical question, but increasingly a geopolitical challenge that is putting tech giants like Apple and Alphabet in a tough position. Countries around the world, including China, Japan, India and the United Kingdom plus the European Union are exploring, testing and deploying satellites to build out their own positioning […]

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FCC approval of Europe’s Galileo satellite signals may give your phone’s GPS a boost

The FCC’s space-focused meeting today had actions taken on SpaceX satellites and orbital debris reduction, but the decision most likely to affect users has to do with Galileo. No, not the astronomer — the global positioning satellite constellation put in place by the E.U. over the last few years. It’s now legal for U.S. phones to use, and a simple software update could soon give your GPS signal a major bump.

View More FCC approval of Europe’s Galileo satellite signals may give your phone’s GPS a boost

Stephen Hawking died on Einstein’s birthday because everything in the cosmos is connected


As the world reels from the death of Stephen Hawking, one of the great science minds in all of history, admirers are taking some solace in a few coincidences surrounding Hawking’s birthday and the date of his passing.

It’s long been known that Hawking’s birthday, January 8, 1942, fell on the 300th anniversary of the death of another great science mind, Galileo Galilei. 

But the day of his death, in the early hours of March 14, 2018 at his home in Cambridge, England, happened to coincide with the birthday of yet another genius: Albert Einstein, born March 14, 1879.

Stephen Hawking was born January 8, 1942, on the 300th anniversary of Galileo’s death. He died today, March 14th, on the anniversary of Einstein’s birth. Time is circular – no beginning, no end.

— Warren Leight (@warrenleightTV) March 14, 2018 Read more…

More about Science, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Pi Day, and Galileo

View More Stephen Hawking died on Einstein’s birthday because everything in the cosmos is connected