Luna Display updates its video engine for faster performance

Astro, the company behind Luna Display and Astropad, is releasing a major software update that will drastically improve performance. According to the company’s own testing, you should expect as much as a 100 percent performance increase when it comes to latency and refresh rate. Luna Display lets you use your iPad as a second monitor […]

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iUNU aims to build cameras on rails for growers to keep track of their crop health

 You’ve probably spent a lot of time keeping track of your plants and all the minor details, like the coloration of the leaves, in order to make sure they’re healthy — but for professional growers in greenhouses, this means keeping track of thousands of plants all at once. That can get out of hand really quickly as it could involve just walking through a greenhouse with an… Read More

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iUNU aims to build cameras on rails for growers to keep track of their crop health

 You’ve probably spent a lot of time keeping track of your plants and all the minor details, like the coloration of the leaves, in order to make sure they’re healthy — but for professional growers in greenhouses, this means keeping track of thousands of plants all at once. That can get out of hand really quickly as it could involve just walking through a greenhouse with an… Read More

View More iUNU aims to build cameras on rails for growers to keep track of their crop health