Platypus milk is not a new trendy milk, but it could save lives


Platypus milk: It’s not the new almond milk, but it could save lives.

Milk from Australia’s duck-billed, egg-laying monotreme could be crucial to the fight against antibiotic resistance, thanks to new research by Australian scientists.

Back in 2010, scientists found that platypus milk held properties that could be used to develop defences against superbugs — nasty bacteria that have built up a resistance to antimicrobial treatments like antibiotics. 

Now, in what WHO has dubbed the “post antibiotic era,” researchers at CSIRO have teamed up with Deakin University to understand how an unusual protein found in platypus milk, with rather protective antibacterial characteristics, could help to fight these superbugs. Read more…

More about Australia, Science And Technology, Medical Research, Antibiotic Resistance, and Platypus

View More Platypus milk is not a new trendy milk, but it could save lives