Amazing new robot arm can catch and release deep sea creatures without harm

Being able to snag the gelatinous or otherwise soft creatures of the deep ocean for study without harming them in the process provides researchers with a bit of challenge, a challenge Harvard’s Wyss Institute may have overcome.
The new RAD sampler (…

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‘Underwater Pokéball’ snatches up soft-bodied deep dwellers

Creatures that live in the depths of the oceans are often extremely fragile, making their collection a difficult affair. A new polyhedral sample collection mechanism acts like an “underwater Pokéball,” allowing scientists to catch ’em all without destroying their soft, squishy bodies in the process.

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MIT and Harvard create cheap artificial muscles with super strength

 MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory has teamed up with Harvard’s Wyss Institute to create a super strong, affordable artificial muscle that could be used to create soft robots with “superpowers,” including the ability to lift up to 1000 times their weight. The new soft robotic artificial muscles are inspired by origami, and can be constructed in… Read More

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