Could Cruella De Vil’s serial killer grandfather appear in Disney prequel?


It’s Villain Week here at Mashable. In honor of the release of Venom, we’re celebrating all our favorite evildoers from film and TV all week long. Spooky, scary!

Believe it or not, 101 Dalmatians can get way darker than puppy murder—a disturbing fact that might make Disney’s upcoming prequel even better than expected. 

In January 2016, the first rumors of Emma Stone starring in Disney’s Cruella De Vil origin story hit The Hollywood Reporter. And the internet went barking mad. 

Black and white fan art plastered Tumblr. Dozens of tweets predicted what fresh hell the fur-wearing witch would raise. And Disney lovers across the board eagerly awaited hitting “purchase” on Fandango.  Read more…

More about Disney, Emma Stone, Prequel, Villain Week, and Cruella De Vil