Cozmo is the robot for the kid that has everything – and it’s on sale


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Cozmo is still the coolest robot on the block. 

The robot toy from Anki isn’t just a regular toy, it learns from the people around it and remembers faces and names. Cozmo was the coolest kid’s gift last holidays and it hasn’t lost its charm. 

A Mashable Choice product, Cozmo is currently on sale for $149.99. That’s $30 less than its regular $179.99 price tag. This is the gift that will make you the hippest aunt/uncle/sister around. 

The lucky new owner will not only get a robot but they’ll get a friendCozmo is a robot that can play games, explore terrain and help a new coder learn how to program. The creators of Cozmo told Mashable they wanted it to feel alive and be able to interact, rather than those other robots that just make jerky movements and beep loudly.  Read more…

More about Technology, Robots, Robot, Kids Programming, and Kids Code