Father of child in ‘Spiderman’ rescue was reportedly off playing ‘Pokémon Go’


The story of a dramatic rescue of a child that was dangling from a Paris balcony took a depressing turn on Tuesday when it was revealed that the child’s father was off playing Pokémon Go at the time of the incident.

The child was rescued by 22-year-old Mamoudou Gassama, an undocumented Malian migrant. In the now-famous feat, Gassama scaled several stories, earning him the “Spiderman” nickname, to save the child.

But it turns out the child’s father is now in very hot water over what he was doing at the time of the rescue. French prosecutor Francois Molins told a CNN affiliate that the father had gone grocery shopping, leaving the child alone and then proceeded to play Pokémon Go after leaving the shop. (The child’s mother was away on a trip visiting family at the time.) Read more…

More about Paris, Pokemon Go, Emanuel Macron, Mamoudou Gassama, and Spiderman Rescue