Google accidentally confirms Pixel 3 in new Android source code


Google done goofed. 

In a commit message on the Android Open Source Project, spotted by XDA-Developers, Google has confirmed that the mysterious Pixel 3 is a real thing. We don’t yet know where, when, or how, but it’s coming. 

The commit, called “Cherrypick,” reads “This change added the config because the HAL V_1_2 only supports Pixel 3, and the new Auto Selection Network UI is based on HAL V_1_2. So we set the flag to decide which Auto Selection Network UI should be used based in the device type.”

“HAL” here refers to something called a “Hardware Abstraction Layer,” or software that connects a phone’s hardware to the Android operating system. This particular HAL impacts cellular connectivity, meaning we might be able to expect new radio features in the Pixel 3.  Read more…

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