How cryptocurrency miners can hack your computer on public Wi-Fi for big gains


As the hubbub around cryptocurrencies continues to grow, so, too do the ways that more nefarious folks can exploit clueless individuals. And one coder has shown how you could be at risk when browsing on a public Wi-Fi server.

Software developer Arnau flagged the issue recently (via ZDNet), citing a recent case in which someone was exploiting public Wi-Fi at a Buenos Ares Starbucks, and explored what’s called a “MITM (Man-In-The-Middle)” attack.

In these attacks, the hacker can “inject a javascript” into the html of a page using a public Wi-Fi connection and, in turn, use the computers of other unsuspecting users on the same network to mine cryptocurrency for the hacker.  Read more…

More about Mining, Cryptocurrency, Coffeeminer, Tech, and Cybersecurity