Memo to 2018 from the 1960s: Forget ‘civility.’ Get angry. Don’t stop.


To hear David Gergen tell it, the turbulent history of America’s 1960s protest movement was little more than a polite disagreement between old pals. 

“The anti-war movement in Vietnam, the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s and 70s, both of these were more civil in tone” than the pro- and anti-Trump forces in 2018, Gergen, a Republican adviser to Presidents Nixon, Reagan, and Bush claimed on CNN Monday night. 

The political analyst was rightly dragged on Twitter — and even found himself subtweeted by a CNN anchor, who posted bloody images from the Civil Rights struggle. (Emphasis on “struggle.”) Gergen, who was in his 20s and interning for a (pro-civil rights) southern governor in the early 1960s, has zero excuse. Read more…

More about Protest, Civil Rights Movement, 1960s, Vietnam War, and Social Good