Our office played HQ Trivia together. Here’s what we think of it.


We here at Mashable love a buzzy tech startup, whether it’s Yo!, Peach, Meerkat, or any of the other dozens of apps that have had their moment in the sun. So when we heard about HQ, the new live trivia app that has created something of a sensation with its daily quizzes, we had to give it a shot. 

That’s how much of Mashable‘s senior editorial leadership found itself in an office at 3 P.M. EST on Monday, trying out HQ Trivia. Most of us hadn’t ever played it before, and we generally have fun. Here’s a Facebook Live of us playing.

Each of our players provided us with their reactions to the app. It’s only on iOS right now, but it’s already got a couple hundred thousand people playing the game at the same time. Read more…

More about Hq Trivia, Business, and Startups