Police and communities can find themselves without a way to communicate. This startup thinks it can help.


When Kona Shen moved back to the United States in 2014 after a few years in Haiti, she returned to a country grappling with police brutality. Eric Garner was killed in a police officer’s chokehold that July and Michael Brown was shot and killed by an officer in Ferguson, Missouri in August.

“I came back to the U.S. around the same time as Mike Brown and Eric Garner, and my cofounder is from St. Louis, right next to Ferguson, and he had seen everything firsthand growing up,” Shen said. “We had the luxury of figuring out what to do about it.” 

Shen knew her next project had to be something that would help. While starting graduate school at Stanford, she joined up with fellow student Mustafa Abdul-Hamid to figure out a way to communicate to police departments how their communities really feel and to help communities have their voices heard.  Read more…

More about Social Good, Women In Tech, Police Brutality, Law Enforcement, and Sms