‘Starwars,’ ‘football,’ and 23 more horrific passwords people actually used in 2017


2017 was a year of fake news, security breaches, bitcoin, net neutrality, Elon Musk, and more. 

And with all the new news came a slew of horrible passwords. Security software company SplashData has compiled a list of the most commonly used passwords of 2017. 

And some of these are just unbelievable. Guys, “monkey?” Really? Come on. Do better.

We get it. You need to log into dozens, if not hundreds of different services and devices, and it’s hard to use good passwords every time. But that’s exactly why there are more than a few services that make good password managers, and many are very cheap (and even free) to use. If you’re not using one, it’s time to start. Read more…

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