The Storyball on Kickstarter will get kids moving and learning without a screen


The toys of today are a bit different from the ones kids played with years ago, even in the ’90s. Sure, action figures, stuffed animals, and LEGO sets are still popular, but they just can’t seem to hold the attention of children the way they used to. (Hmmm, wonder why?)

For the modern child, their “toys” of choice are, of course, now usually smart devices and gaming systems. And playing mostly with screens means having a more sedentary life. A study from Childwise, published in 2014/2015, showed that children ages five to 16 spent an average of six and a half hours per day in front of a screen. Those hours include playing video games, watching TV and movies, and constantly being on smart devices. And one can imagine that number has only gone up since then. Read more…

More about Stem Toys, Mashable Shopping, Shopping Skimlinks, Shopping Solo, and Shopping Kickstarter