This Cuisinart coffee maker steeps cold brew in a fraction of the time and it’s $50 off at Best Buy


Cold brew coffee has a smoother and sweeter taste than traditionally brewed coffee. Heat produces oils that bring out acidic flavors in coffee, so therefore, lack of heat does not. (Science.)

Those smooth flavors don’t come easily though — it can take up to 24 hours to steep cold brew coffee using traditional methods. But hold your disappointment because the Cuisinart Automatic Cold Brew Coffee Maker produces authentic cold brew coffee in as little as 25 minutes. That may seem like an annoying amount of time to wait for coffee when you’re used to having it ready almost instantaneously. But compared to 24 hours, 25 minutes is a blink of an eye.  Read more…

More about Cold Brew, Cuisinart, Mashable Shopping, Shopping Solo, and Coffee Maker