Tomi Adeyemi: “‘Children of Blood and Bone’ is an allegory for the modern black experience”


If you count the seconds as Tomi Adeyemi opens her gold package — one (pause), two (pause), three (pause) — you’ll notice that it takes her a full 30 seconds before she’s able to speak.

As she rips at the sparkling paper, digging for the prize inside, Adeyemi whimpers and laughs and cries, but it takes a full half minute before she’s able to muster words.

When she’s finally able to talk, Adeyemi’s speech comes out as a stunned gasp.

“It’s really beautiful,” she says, sniffling. “And it’s real.”

In her hands, for the first time ever, is a book, HER book, Children of Blood and Bone. And it feels like magic. Read more…

More about Books, Mashreads, Fantasy, Children Of Blood And Bone, and Tomi Adeyemi