Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey says follower counts don’t matter, edit button may come soon


We didn’t expect this!

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said at a fireside chat in New Delhi on Monday that the number of followers a person has on Twitter is basically meaningless, according to a Slashdot report.

He said that founders Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams didn’t consider “all the dynamics that could ensue afterwards” when they built Twitter to show a follower count in 2006.

“So when you open Twitter and you see that number is five. It is actually incentivizing you to increase that number. That may have been right 12 years ago, but I don’t think it is right today,” Dorsey reportedly said. “I don’t think that’s the number you should be focused on. I think what is more important is the number of meaningful conversations you’re having on the platform. How many times do you receive a reply?”  Read more…

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