Waymo blames human error for motorcycle accident involving self-driving car


Waymo is pointing the robotic finger at humans.

On Oct. 19 in Mountain View, a Waymo self-driving test car hit a motorcylclist, who ended up in the hospital. Now, Waymo has published a blog post with more information about the accident. And it turns out it all came down to that intractable problem: human error. 

According to Waymo, the test driver of the self-driving car took control of the vehicle moments before the accident. Another car to the left “abruptly” entered the Waymo car’s lane, so the Waymo test driver took over. The driver moved to the right to avoid a collision. But unfortunately, in moving to the right lane, the driver didn’t notice the motorcycle that had just moved into that lane. So, crash. Read more…

More about Accident, Self Driving Cars, Waymo, Tech, and Transportation