Why the Palm phone might be the perfect tech product for 2018


Phones are bad for us. But don’t worry — phones are here to save us. From phones.

That appears to be the message behind the new Palm phone, a tiny smartphone that functions as a kind of smartphone lite, intended as a companion to your main phone, which, if we’re being real, isn’t a phone anymore and hasn’t been for a while. It’s a portable device that sucks you into its world like nothing that came before, not even TV. Turns out Newt Gingrich was right about smartphones — we really need a new word for them.

The idea of a buddy for your phone that’s also a phone sounds ridiculous at first, but it actually becomes more credible the more you think about it. Because chances are you’re thinking something else every time you unlock your phone when you didn’t mean to, every time you catch yourself “zombie scrolling” in an app, every time a bubble pops down from the top of your screen that you didn’t need or want: “I’ve gotta stop this.” Read more…

More about Palm, Tech Column, Palm Phone, Tech, and Smartphones