13 horror movies for beginners you can stream right now


Some very, very light spoilers lie ahead. But, trust me. They’re for your own good.

Congratulations! You’ve finally decided to take the horror genre plunge. 

Every year your friends/family/coworkers/creepy neighbors invite you to a spooky Halloween movie night—and every year you are forced to politely decline. You say you have to feed the cat, water the plants, get a jump start on next year’s taxes, etc. Little do they know, you’re just terrified of scary movies.

But, this Halloween you won’t be left out in the cold. You are determined to train up on some low-key frights and take on whatever monstrosity your friends have queued upYou are a brave little toaster. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Halloween, Zombies, 10 Cloverfield Lane, and October