4 ways you’re doing water wrong (and how to fix it)


 You know you need to drink more water, but getting your 8 glasses in every day isn’t always easy.

Staying hydrated keeps us healthy. It can impact kidney function, helps us boost our metabolism, and aids in digesting what we eat.

But the way you drink your H20 doesn’t have to be limited to running to the water cooler every 2.5 seconds, drinking just from the tap, or constantly having to keep plastic water bottles at hand. 

Here are 4 ways you can get the most out of getting your daily water intake.

1. Got juice pulp?

Juicing may help you shed the pounds, but that doesn’t mean you should toss the juice pulp. Next time you make your juice, upcycle the pulp from your fruits and veggies into healthy snacks and meals like crackers or veggie burgers. Juice pulp from foods like cucumber, melon, and celery is not only delicious—it’s also full of fiber and a great way to “eat” your daily water intake.  Read more…

More about Supported, Health, Water, Hydration, and Drinking More Water