5 technologies evolving the way we game


It’s been almost 80 years since thousands of people lined up to challenge a computer to a game of math at the New York World’s Fair in Queens, NY. (The computer won almost every time, surprisingly.) Back then, the curious spilled into the fair to experience progress firsthand, which included a new way to play games. Little did those early gamers know they had participated in the birth of a $75 billion global industry driven by technological innovation that has reshaped our notions of sports, film, and even reality. 

From curiosity to habit, gaming has been fully integrated into our lives, with 1.8 billion people playing worldwide. While the early decades of technological innovation spurred the ubiquity of consoles, advances in AR and mobility, and accessories like the latest wireless mouse and keyboard from Logitech are pushing gaming into its next phase. We’ve rounded up some of the most significant new technologies that are evolving the industry and changing the way we play.  Read more…

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