8 times TV made us say ‘Big Mood’ in 2018


A lot happened in 2018. Probably too many things happened, but at least there was television to turn to when the going got tough. These are the TV moments that spoke to the way 2018 really made us feel, and perhaps even forced us to utter the most 2018 of phrases: “big mood.”

8. Tess doesn’t want to talk to her parents on This Is Us

Image: nbc

Listen, the Pearsons are clearly a loving family unit but it is emotionally and vocally impossible for them to solve as many problems as they do with a rehearsed-sounding, heartfelt speech. Every single family member constantly talks about their feelings and problems, and their primary method of comforting people is long, Jack Pearson-y speeches peppered with adorable personal anecdotes. Bravo to Tess Pearson, who came out to her parents in the midseason finale, and qualified that she did not want to talk to them about her sexuality. Like at all. Finally, a Pearson who understands the value of taking her own time to think about her feelings. Read more…

More about Tv Shows 2018, End Of Year 2018, Big Mood Tv Moments, 8 Most Relatable Shows, and Entertainment