9 drunk shopping purchases that you’ll feel good about in the morning


The newest American epidemic: Shopping online whilst drunk.

If you thought your drunk Uber Eats orders were bad, just imagine coming home to a package of $500 worth of rare Beanie Babies that you don’t remember ordering. Yeah, this is a thing now — and if you don’t believe us, just search the phrase “drunkenly bought” on Twitter or look at the numerous Reddit threads on the topic.

According to a CBS story from March 2018, Americans are spending billions on drunk purchases. Like, $30 billion. 

In a recent survey on Finder.com, 68 million people admitted to partaking in a drunk shopping spree. The average spend is apparently $447 — twice the amount from the previous year.  Read more…

More about Wine, Drunk, Mashable Shopping, Shopping List, and Shopping Skimlinks