Man buys massive photo of a bridge that’s right outside his window


Impulse purchases are almost never a good idea — especially when there are drinks involved. 

Stuart Slicer splurged on a massive photo of Scotland’s Forth Bridge during a charity auction recently — which would have been a nice addition to his living room if it didn’t already have a direct view of the bridge. 

His son, also named Stuart, posted a video of the print in the living room, which has the same exact view. In classic internet flavor, the account tweets from his dog’s perspective, Murphy Green. [Stuart Sr.] “forgot he could just open da blinds,” the dog tweeted. Read more…

More about Twitter, Drunk, Culture, and Web Culture

View More Man buys massive photo of a bridge that’s right outside his window

9 drunk shopping purchases that you’ll feel good about in the morning


The newest American epidemic: Shopping online whilst drunk.

If you thought your drunk Uber Eats orders were bad, just imagine coming home to a package of $500 worth of rare Beanie Babies that you don’t remember ordering. Yeah, this is a thing now — and if you don’t believe us, just search the phrase “drunkenly bought” on Twitter or look at the numerous Reddit threads on the topic.

According to a CBS story from March 2018, Americans are spending billions on drunk purchases. Like, $30 billion. 

In a recent survey on, 68 million people admitted to partaking in a drunk shopping spree. The average spend is apparently $447 — twice the amount from the previous year.  Read more…

More about Wine, Drunk, Mashable Shopping, Shopping List, and Shopping Skimlinks

View More 9 drunk shopping purchases that you’ll feel good about in the morning

Watch another example of how toddlers act like they’re always drunk



Toddlers are essentially drunk 24 hours out the day. They’re still getting a hang of their motor skills, it’s difficult to tell what they’re saying most of the time, and they’re constantly having their minds blown by life’s many wonders.

Brad Cook, uploaded a video yesterday on youtube of a toddler stumbling around after Halloween, that perfectly illustrates the parallels toddlers and the inebriated. This little guy could be on sugar rush for all we know especially if he just hauled in tons of candy after trick or treating.

Either way toddlers are always high on life and drunk on excitement.   Read more…

More about Funny, Halloween, Toddler, Drunk, and Culture

View More Watch another example of how toddlers act like they’re always drunk