Adobe’s first auto app will give real-time car maintenance tips


The company behind Photoshop has an idea to make your next auto mechanic visit less of a confusing, expensive mess. 

Adobe has a new app that tracks car stats, like how the battery or engine is doing. It takes the Adobe Analytics platform typically used for a website or mobile app and puts it into the car. At its annual Adobe Summit in Las Vegas (hosted by comedian Mindy Kaling), one of its “sneaks,” a project to showcase an idea in development, is Project Car Smarts. 

Ahead of Wednesday’s presentation, Colin Morris, Adobe Analytics director of product management, explained in a call how the app and data-tracking would work for car owners and car makers. Think of it like the battery health check on the iPhone. Drivers will have a “better idea of their usage in an automobile,” he said. Read more…

More about Adobe, Apps And Software, Automobile, Maintenance, and Adobe Analytics