App hoarders, it’s time to Marie Kondo your phone


If Marie Kondo were to appear before you right now, grab your smartphone out of your hand and thumb through your pages of apps, what do you think she’d say?

The Japanese guru of clean is all the rage in 2019, ever since Netflix debuted her TV show, with perfect resolution-related timing, on January 1. Her “spark joy” meme — toss anything that doesn’t — is the Spanish Flu of our century: It has gone viral while we were paying attention to other crises, and its cleansing progress around the planet shows no signs of slowing. The tech world is only the latest vector of infection.

Kondo’s big-time fame has happened to the chagrin of both hoarders and hipsters who’d long since digested the lessons in her book. I am somewhat sympathetic to the former camp, while my wife is firmly in the latter. She caught the KonMari virus in 2015, beginning the now-familiar rituals of emptying closets and saying goodbye to clothes that no longer served us. Friends began to come down with the bug, smiling serenely at the simplicity of their once-cluttered credenzas.  Read more…

More about Smartphones, Apps And Software, Marie Kondo, Tech, and Consumer Tech