Apple invests $390 million in the production of…lasers?


Apple has invested $390 million in Finisar, a manufacturer of optical communications components.  

That’s right: It’s investing in lasers. 

According to Apple, the money will enable Finisar to increase research and development of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). These may sound like something straight out of a sci-fi thriller, but they’re already used in some of the iPhone X’s standout features including FaceID, Animoji, and Portrait Mode, as well as the proximity sensors in Airpods.  

“VICSELs power some of the most sophisticated technology we’ve ever developed, and we’re thrilled to partner with Finisar over the next several years to push the boundaries of of VCSEL technology,” said Apple’s chief operating officer Jeff Williams in a statementRead more…

More about Apple, Iphone, Portrait Mode, Iphone X, and Faceid