Apple learns to feed the hype for its iPhone X launch—and snubs a lot of important people


Even before John Gruber started his one-man Apple-centric media operation, Daring Fireball, he knew he wanted to “be opinionated.”

Those opinions are often reserved for Apple items and other consumer technology topics, so it’d make sense for devotees of his site to expect even more in that vein during the lead-up to the release of the iPhone X, arguably the most-anticipated iPhone since the original. But Gruber’s dedicated the last few days of his site not to his opinion on the iPhone X or the iPhone’s evolution, but to bashing Apple’s rollout. 

Though many traditional reviewers (including Gruber) now seem to have their hands on an iPhone X (and at least one seems to have been among the very first), it appears Apple only allowed them to to behold the X after some folks on YouTube had ample time to review it first.  Read more…

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