Are you obligated to talk in the UberPOOL?


Shared rides on Uber and Lyft are a fairly easy way to save some cash on your Saturday night trip home. There’s just one caveat: While you are sitting in the car, one or two other people — strangers — are sitting in the car, too. What’s more, they might want to talk to you.

Are you obligated to talk to them?

Of course, people with different propensities for socializing will probably have different answers to this question. And if your fellow rider tries to strike up a convo, answering is (usually, but not always) the polite thing to do.

But what general vibe should you be emitting here? Do you have to be “on,” or is it OK to stare out the window and pretend that you are not alive?  Read more…

More about Uber, Ride Sharing, Lyft, Etiquette, and Culture