Hat purchase on Amazon goes awry when a scorpion venom-laced drug arrives instead


A funny Amazon purchase for sauna hats got weird when a blue scorpion venom-based drug arrived instead.

Journalist Meagan Day posted about her delivery misadventures this week when an order for jokey felt sauna hats with the word “oligarch” printed in Russian finally got delivered. 

But instead of hats, she received a drug that includes blue scorpion venom in its ingredients. The package came from Ukraine.

BOY DO I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU. I tried to order some felt sauna hats that say “oligarch” on them from an Amazon seller named RussianBear, for me and my friends who like to sauna, like as a joke (though I actually really wanted one) pic.twitter.com/uRZGzTKVFx

— Meagan Day (@meaganmday) January 25, 2018 Read more…

More about Amazon, Delivery, Blue Scorpion Venom, Culture, and Big Tech Companies

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