Healthcare by 2028 will be doctor-directed, patient-owned and powered by visual technologies

Evan Nisselson Contributor Evan Nisselson is a partner at LDV Capital. More posts by this contributor Deep learning with synthetic data will democratize the tech industry The war over artificial intelligence will be won with visual data Visual assessment is critical to healthcare – whether that is a doctor peering down your throat as you […]

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Revising the results of last year’s study, Posit Science still effectively combats dementia

 Revising the results of their headline-grabbing, decade-long study, researchers from top universities still believe that a brain training exercise from app developer Posit Science can actually reduce the risk of dementia among older adults. The groundbreaking study still has incredible implications for the treatment of neurological disorders associated with aging — and helps to validate… Read More

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Bill Gates pledges $100 million of his own fortune to fight Alzheimer’s


Bill Gates just donated a piece of his fortune to advance the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

The philanthropist and Microsoft founder announced in a blog post Monday that he will give $50 million to the Dementia Discovery Fund, a public-private partnership that invests in innovative dementia research. Gates will also donate another $50 million in startups working in Alzheimer’s research.

Through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Gates has a long track record of supporting research to eradicate diseases like malaria and polio. But Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most common form of dementia that progressively affects memory and other brain functions, is the first noncommunicable disease he’s fighting. Read more…

More about Business, Social Good, Bill Gates, Philanthropy, and Dementia

View More Bill Gates pledges $100 million of his own fortune to fight Alzheimer’s