Internet Archive adds trove of cheap LCD handhelds to its emulation collection

During CES, the single piece of electronics I spent the most time with, apart from my laptop and camera, was a Mattel Dungeons & Dragons Computer Fantasy Game handheld. These cheap handhelds, sold as impulse buys at drug stores and Toys ‘R Us (RIP), are the latest thing to be collected and emulated in full by MAME and the Internet Archive.

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A treasure trove of handheld video games from the ’80s added to the Internet Archive


Tiger Electronics. Coleco. Konami. Bandai.

These are all familiar publishers for gamers from the ’80s. Back in the days when Nintendo’s biggest competitor in the living room was Atari, the handheld market was dominated by battery-operated LCD games.

Now, many of those games live on, thanks to the Internet Archive.

The digital library’s ongoing efforts to preserve old games and software — a process that began around four years ago — have now given us the Handheld History Collection. The lineup of games, tabletop machines, and board games covers products released over a big stretch of time, from the 1970s into the 1990s. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Gaming, Internet Archive, Handheld Gaming, and Entertainment

View More A treasure trove of handheld video games from the ’80s added to the Internet Archive