Watch as a ghostly creature swims through dark waters off the California coast

On Tuesday at some 10,000 feet beneath the sea, marine scientists spotted a little-seen octopus swimming through the dark, black waters.
A robotic Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) piloted by the Ocean Exploration Trust filmed this genus of Octopus, …

View More Watch as a ghostly creature swims through dark waters off the California coast

Mysterious U.S. whale die-off is now deep in its 2nd year. We still don’t know the cause.


Using a tractor, state and town officials in coastal New Hampshire attempted to drop the carcass of a minke whale into a dumpster in mid-September. But the dead cetacean proved too big, bouncing off the red bin and flopping onto the pavement of a beachside parking lot.

The minke whale — which can weigh up to 20,000 pounds — is one of 55 that have turned up dead on East Coast shores of the United States since January 2017. 

The strange die-offs have officially been labeled as an “Unusual Mortality Event” (UME) by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The cause of whale deaths in this vastly-understudied species largely remain an inconsistent puzzle.  Read more…

More about Science, Animals, Noaa, Marine Science, and Whales

View More Mysterious U.S. whale die-off is now deep in its 2nd year. We still don’t know the cause.

Mysterious U.S. whale die-off is now deep in its 2nd year. We still don’t know the cause.


Using a tractor, state and town officials in coastal New Hampshire attempted to drop the carcass of a minke whale into a dumpster in mid-September. But the dead cetacean proved too big, bouncing off the red bin and flopping onto the pavement of a beachside parking lot.

The minke whale — which can weigh up to 20,000 pounds — is one of 55 that have turned up dead on East Coast shores of the United States since January 2017. 

The strange die-offs have officially been labeled as an “Unusual Mortality Event” (UME) by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The cause of whale deaths in this vastly-understudied species largely remain an inconsistent puzzle.  Read more…

More about Science, Animals, Noaa, Marine Science, and Whales

View More Mysterious U.S. whale die-off is now deep in its 2nd year. We still don’t know the cause.

Norway wants to clean up our oceans. Here’s how it could work.

Earlier this year, Norway’s minister of international development visited Ghana.
Minister Nikolai Astrup had a simple request: He wanted to spend some time with his team collecting trash from beaches in the developing nation. 
His team assured h…

View More Norway wants to clean up our oceans. Here’s how it could work.

Deep beneath the Pacific, another active Hawaiian volcano waits to emerge


As Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano continues to spew lava into neighborhoods and eject foreboding plumes of dark ash into the sky, a nearby underwater volcano named Lo‘ihi patiently waits to rise above the surface. 

Like all Hawaiian volcanoes, dead and alive, Lo‘ihi has grown steadily from the depths of the Pacific Ocean as lava spews from it and quickly cools, slowly adding more mass to the underwater mountain.

If Lo‘ihi keeps erupting lava, gradually building up its surface area, the active volcano could very well become Hawaii’s next Big Island volcano. It’s also possible that the volcano could even start its own, brand new Hawaiian island.  Read more…

More about Science, Volcano, Hawaii, Marine Science, and Volcanic Eruption

View More Deep beneath the Pacific, another active Hawaiian volcano waits to emerge

Bad news! Extreme ocean heat waves are a thing, and they’re getting worse

Things got really strange in the waters off of Southern California in 2015. 
Pacific Ocean temperatures jumped as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit above average, as an unprecedented warming trend stretched from Alaska to Mexico. 
It was a bona…

View More Bad news! Extreme ocean heat waves are a thing, and they’re getting worse