The NSA’s grammar column referenced everything from ‘Frasier’ to Weird Al


If you worked for the National Security Agency over the last few years and had a question about the Oxford comma, you could turn to “Grammar Geek.” 

That’s the old-school advice column in the NSA publication SIDtoday — and now we know what people were asking, thanks to archives from 2012 through 2014 released through a records request Monday

From this treasure trove of internal communications, we learned about a switch from Gigi to Gabby as the reigning grammar geek (any identifying information about the column editors was redacted, though we did learn that “Gabby” grew up in Pennsylvania and when she joined the column in 2013 she’d been with the NSA for 30 years already) and we get something of an inside look at a secretive government agency.  Read more…

More about Nsa, Grammar, Records Request, Culture, and Web Culture

View More The NSA’s grammar column referenced everything from ‘Frasier’ to Weird Al